
Governance of Saheli is conducted through a Board that promotes Saheli’s mission, vision, strategic goals, and policy positions. The Board is vested with the fiduciary responsibilities of the organization. Board members are elected by the membership for terms of two years and are eligible to be re-elected. The Board comprises distinguished individuals with the highest levels of passion, integrity, and commitment to improving the lives of victims.

Selection Process

Saheli observes the following policy in recruiting new members to the Saheli governing board — a process of review, screening, interview, and selection of suitable candidates.

This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual with commitment and passion to serve Saheli’s mission. Candidates with the following are strongly encouraged to apply:

  1. Previous experience in the non-profit sector is helpful, though not required.
  2. Track record of serving on any Board in the profit or non-profit sector is useful.
  3.  Access to a strong network of people to assist in fundraising efforts is helpful.
  4.  Knowledge and familiarity with South Asian (including Pakistani, Nepali and Bangladeshi) or Middle Eastern cultures and languages is a plus.

Board Duties

In order to ensure that the board is fulfilling its role in governance, all board members are expected to adhere to the following obligations:

  1. Actively support and promote Saheli’s mission, vision, strategic goals and policy positions.
  2. Serve as a trusted advisor to the President. Be an ambassador for Saheli and represent the organization accurately and positively in the community.
  3. Help with the organization’s fundraising efforts by working on current fundraising activities and/or identifying and cultivating relationships with donors.
  4. Review and evaluate outcomes and effectiveness of various programs implemented and suggest improvements.
  5. Recognize that all Board Members, not just the finance chair and finance committee, have a fiduciary responsibility to the organization for sound financial management.
  6. Support the organization’s annual giving program by giving as generously as possible.
  7.  Actively serve on the assigned Board Committees.
  8. Assist with the identification and recruitment of new Board Members.
  9. As a board, assume responsibility for hiring, monitoring, advising, supporting, evaluating, and, if necessary, releasing the Executive Director
  10. Attend at least nine out of the twelve Board meetings.
  11.  As a new Board Member, attend a new Board Member orientation.
  12.  Complete the annual evaluation of the Executive Director.
  13. Complete the annual Board evaluation.
  14.  Any other matters that may be put up to the Board for consideration

In addition, all members must:

  1. Consult the Board President prior to speaking to media, issuing invitations to join the board, and on all matters that impact Saheli’s relationships with the community.
  2.  Sign the confidentiality agreement and keep all Board deliberations confidential.
  3. Accept and support Board decisions. Once a decision has been made, the Board speaks with one voice.
  4. Recognize that authority is vested in the Board as a whole. A Board Member who learns of an issue of importance to the organization has the obligation to bring it to the Executive Director or to the Board President and must refrain from responding to the situation individually.
  5. Guard against conflict of interest, whether personal or business-related.
  6. Collaborate and work with the staff and volunteers
  7. Understand that the Board sets policies and focuses on long-range and strategic issues. An individual Board Member should defer to the President in specific management, personnel, or program issues.

If you are interested in being a part of Saheli’s Board, please contact Neelam Wali at neelam@saheliboston.org.